Saturday, July 22, 2006

Biggest causes of stress: What causes stress?

Biggest causes of stress: What causes stress?

When life takes a steep turn and everything seems to be going the wrong way, the bravest of men undergo a low phase called stress which has both physical and psychological consequences. Biologically speaking, it is a condition when our bodies lose hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in order that the body reacts quickly to the exigent situation. Stress may result in headaches, allergies, insomia (lack of sleep), backache, fatigue and hypertension. Stress can be inherited or can occur due to past traumatic experiences.

Stress, in small amounts, can be good but too much of stress disorderly in life. In today's world of cut- throat competition, factors like relationship demands, professional demands, traumatic experiences, financial problems and environmental factors can cause stress in a person's life. Out of all these factors, money matters are believed to be the highest contributors.

Financial problems and stress:

Sometimes it just makes one wonder: how important is money and why is it that everyone in the world is running after money? Well, money holds its importance for all that it can buy or, in a broader sense, for all that it can do. Banks, shares, debentures, investment, and profit and loss are words that may be what the lives of some people revolve around.

Psychologists have proved that money matters and financial problems are the...

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